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Phrasal Verbs… You’ve heard about them, but just a few really know how to use them…
Here are the definitions ad uses of 5 phrasal verbs starting with D – Part 1!!!
to DAB AT, to DABBLE IN, to DALLY WITH something, to DALLY WITH somebody, to DAM UP
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Testo in Italiano
Phrasal verbs… Ogni tanto li senti nominare, ma davvero pochi li sanno usare…
Ecco le definizioni ed utilizzi dei verbi frasali che iniziano con la A – Part 1!!!
to DAB AT, to DABBLE IN, to DALLY WITH something, to DALLY WITH somebody, to DAM UP
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English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate
Book with Answers: Vocabulary Reference and Practice.
Improve your understanding of phrasal verbs in English (B1 to B2 - Cambridge)