PARK Idioms

PARK Idioms

Today is Sunday, Book Sunday at Feel Abroad. We know that you want to relax… But, if you want to improve your English, sometimes you’ll have to do some language exercises. We’ll take it easy, ok? Take a look at 5 idioms with PARK – they can always come in handy! Take...
Environment idioms

Environment idioms

Today is Sunday, Book Sunday at Feel Abroad. We know that you want to relax… But, if you want to improve your English, sometimes you’ll have to do some language exercises. We’ll take it easy, ok? Take a look at 5 idioms regarding the environment and the earth – they...

Sometimes you have to say something…

| Sometimes you have to say something out loud to hear how crazy it sounds. Jimmy McGill (Bob Odenkirk), Better Call Saul, Season 2: Inflatable | A volte c’è bisogno di dire qualcosa a voce alta per sentire quanto suoni pazzesca. Jimmy McGill (Bob Odenkirk),...

Idioms with ‘book’

Today is Sunday, Book Sunday at Feel Abroad. We know that you want to relax… But, if you want to improve your English, sometimes you’ll have to do some language exercises. We’ll take it easy, ok? Take a look at 5 idioms with the word BOOK – they can always come in...
How was your summer???

How was your summer???

“How was your summer???” Sai rispondere a questa domanda IN INGLESE?? Scopri come con questo breve esercizio!!! Metti le parole nell’ordine corretto! Testo in Italiano “How was your summer???” Can you answer to this question IN ENGLISH?? Find out how with this short...
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