Idioms with ‘book’

Today is Sunday, Book Sunday at Feel Abroad. We know that you want to relax… But, if you want to improve your English, sometimes you’ll have to do some language exercises. We’ll take it easy, ok? Take a look at 5 idioms with the word BOOK – they can always come in...

The Office

The office. A place that can get scary when receiving guests from abroad.Obvious things you’ve never even thought of can really cost you a bad first impression. Has it ever happened to you? Do you already know the basic vocabulary? Take this test and find out – don’t...
5 expressions with DO

5 expressions with DO

Livello suggerito: BEGINNER Valuta il tuo livello → Today is Sunday. We know that you want to relax… And next week, we’ll let you. But, if you want to improve your English, sometimes you’ll have to do some language exercises. We’ll take it easy, ok? Take a look at 5...
Where from??? – International food edition

Where from??? – International food edition

International specialties. Test your knowledge with today’s quiz on some of the WORLD’S most famous dishes!!! Plus, you get to REVIEW the NATIONALITIES in English!!! Testo in Italiano Specialità interazinali. Testa il suo sapere con il quiz di oggi su alcune delle più...
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