RING!!! – Can you answer the phone in English?
Your phone is ringing, what do you say when you pick up??? Test your English or learn how to answer the phone in English with this short exercise!!! Testo in Italiano Il tuo telefono sta squillando, come rispondi??? Testa il tuo inglese o impara come rispondere al...
Surviving in the Australian Bush
The Australian bush. Watch Conan, a super famous American TV host, trying to survive in this hostile environment. We’ve chosen this video as a reminder of how powerful and dangerous nature can be, and how difficult it is for “city people” to spend even just one day...
How was your summer???
“How was your summer???” Sai rispondere a questa domanda IN INGLESE?? Scopri come con questo breve esercizio!!! Metti le parole nell’ordine corretto! Testo in Italiano “How was your summer???” Can you answer to this question IN ENGLISH?? Find out how with this short...