The pursuit of Happyness. Simply a masterpiece released in 2006! This American drama, directed by Gabriele Muccino and featuring Will Smith, is based on a true story of a man, Chris Garner, who, for about one year, struggles to get back on his feet after having lost everything. Watch the JOB INTERVIEW and answer the questions to test your LISTENING COMPREHENSION SKILLS!!! (don’t worry if you haven’t watched the movie yet – the video doesn’t contain big spoilers)
Testo in Italiano
Alla Ricerca della Felicità. Semplicemente un film capolavoro del 2006! Questo dramma americano, diretto da Gabriele Muccino e con protagonista Will Smith, si basa su una storia vera di un uomo, Chris Garner, che, per circa un anno, lotta per rimettersi in piedi dopo aver perso tutto. Guarda la JOB INTERVIEW e rispondi alle domande per testare le tue LISTENING comprehension SKILLS!!! (non preoccuparti se non hai ancora guardato il film – il video non contiene grandi spoiler).
Pursuit Of Happyness (2006)
Blue ray
Pursuit of happiness (Inglese)
The astounding yet true rags-to-riches saga of a homeless father who raised and cared for his son on the mean streets of San Francisco and went on to become a crown prince of Wall Street
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