Screw it, Let’s do it by Richard Branson
Wanna make a difference in your everyday life? Wanna be successuful and satisfied with your achievements? You should probably listen to Sir Richard Branson’s advices. Get inspired by one of the most well-known entrepreneurs worldwide. “Screw it, let’s do it” is one of...Jab, jab, jab, right hook – GaryVee
If you’ve never heard of Gary Vee, it’s about time you do. We suggest you watch the video on his YouTube channel to get a better idea. Find your passion, work hard (or as he says HUSTLE!) and provide value to your customers. These are the rules of Gary Vaynerchuck,...
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Perhaps, one of the most interesting readings that can be done at the moment, considering the international landscape in which we find ourselves. An evergreen classic that you simply can’t miss!!! The classics of English literature – easy to read! All animals...
Inglese per Viaggiare – Manuale di conversazione
The manual for your summer, who knows what it’ll bring you?? In the meantime, learn how to speak without fear! Do you want to stop relying on automatic translations or on friends and relatives?? Keep on reading, because you’ve found the best solution for you!!! Here’s...