Where from? – international food edition

At the supermarket, at the restaurant, in your country or when you’re traveling abroad, experiencing new foods is awesome… But can you remember or guess where these specialties are from? Take this test and find out! Testo in Italiano Al supermercato, al...

Sometimes you have to say something…

| Sometimes you have to say something out loud to hear how crazy it sounds. Jimmy McGill (Bob Odenkirk), Better Call Saul, Season 2: Inflatable | A volte c’è bisogno di dire qualcosa a voce alta per sentire quanto suoni pazzesca. Jimmy McGill (Bob Odenkirk),...

The Office

The office. A place that can get scary when receiving guests from abroad.Obvious things you’ve never even thought of can really cost you a bad first impression. Has it ever happened to you? Do you already know the basic vocabulary? Take this test and find out – don’t...
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